Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Crohn's Disease

1. Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. It causes ulcerations in the small and large intestines, but can affect the digestive system anywhere between the mouth and the anus. Cramping, bleeding and diarrhea are symptoms. It is thought that 50-60% of people with Crohn's Disease did inherit it. This estimate is a little more than people who get the disease by environmental factors. This disease has increased over the last half century, which could mean that the modern lifestyle today may have triggered new environmental reasons for Crohn's Disease. Antigens and foreign substances from diet or from bacteria in your stomach may start an inflammation.

This abnormally active immune system is believed to be genetically inherited. First degree relatives of patients with Crohn's disease are more likely to develop the disease. Furthermore, certain chromosome markers have been found in patients with Crohn's disease. The gene NO2 encodes a protein that regulates process of programmed cell death, apoptosis. The function is to recognize the bacteria components that enter a type of immune cell, which gives a signal to the rest of the immune system. The official symbol of this gene is NO2, Gene ID #64127, located on Chromosome 16.

2. Benefit of genetic testing: By knowing the odds of their having an affected child, families can make better-informed decisions and possibly explore options for starting a healthy family.

Concern of testing:Many of the risks associated with genetic testing involve the emotional, social, or financial consequences of the test results. People may feel angry, depressed, anxious, or guilty about their results.

3. Yes, if I could afford to have the genetic testing done, I would probably have the test. It would be nice to know what diseases that I am predisposed to. I already know that heart disease runs in my family, so why not verify the possibility of obtaining that disease and begin changing my lifestyle to live longer.


  1. Digestion is a very important process that the body needs to do! I cannot imagine having Crohn's disease. Inflammation in the intestines sounds terrible as well as inconvenient. Genetic testing is important for many disease reasons. Im all for it.

  2. I think that you are very brave for being open to getting the testing done. After reading your post it further makes me not want to get the test because if I am aware that i may develope a diease as harsh as crohn's it would devestate me.

  3. After reading about what you said about crohn's disease that antigens/forgein substacnes from our diet may cause inflammation leading to crohn's disease, makes me want to research more about crohn's disease on to which speficic antigens and foregin substacnes and find out which foods carry those. Although i do eat healthy, not every healthy product can be free of those causing inflammation. Knowing and Trying to avoid certain foods with those that may cause inflammation would be helpful to preventing crohn's disease.
