Thursday, November 5, 2009

2009 H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu) and Feeding your Baby: What Parents Should Know

1 comment:

  1. A mothers milk is made specifically for her baby. When a mother is exposed to a virus her body fights the virus and hopefully passes that antibody on to her baby. It is recommends to keep breastfeeding the baby while sick. The CDC also recommends that you take precautions while breastfeeding. Make sure your hands are washed and that you do not cough directly over the baby. If you are very sick then it is suggested that a mother pump her milk and have someone else bottle feed the baby. If the mother is on medicines because she has been exposed to the flu she should continue to take them (with doctors approval) while breastfeeding unless she shows signs of fever cough or sore throat. If the infant is sick the best thing for her/him is breast milk. If they won't latch on to the breast then an attempt to feed them via alternative methods such as cup, bottle or eye-dropper is suggested.
